Introducing Mae & Co. Bridal!

Introducing Mae & Co. Bridal!

I got the idea to create my own bridal veil after getting fed up of trying to secure veils with combs into my high buns or half up styles without altering my hairstyles. 

I would always add in extra bobby pins or use what I call a bungee to secure the comb to the style and make sure it didn’t cause any frizz when it was getting put on or taken out. That’s when I thought why not just make my own and use a bungee method and also use silk fabric instead of a comb because silk does not cause any frizz.

 I have been a  bridal hair stylist for the past 5 years and I specialize in boho and braided styles. These styles are usually very complex and hard to work with a comb veil. I was tired of these combs, creating frizz, and pulling out my twist and braids in my hairstyles every time the veil would be removed. 

Our nonslip veils have been tested through many different scenarios such as being pulled on by a toddler & being stepped on. We’ve also put them through Santa Ana winds. All these videos can be found on my TikTok page, and we have found that they have stayed on through all of these crazy tests that we have run on them. 

They are super easy to put in and take out. You can have your bridesmaids do or your mom  put your veil in with ease. Not to mention that your hairstylist will love you! To properly place your veil, you are going to put one bobby pin in along your scalp, stretch the elastic, pin the other bobby pin along your scalp making sure you create an X behind the silk pocket that holds your veil into place. This will make sure your available is super secure and not moving at all. 

We help that our veils bring so much confidence in security to your wedding day. Now you can dance the night away and walk down the aisle in crazy winds without having to worry about your veil flying off your head!

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